Their Love For Cars

Almost all men love cars. Men buy luxury sports cars with enthusiasm even if they are not as affordable. Even the fuel efficient and eco friendly cars cannot compete.

Before our daughter was born, we had to upgrade to a bigger car, so my husband had to say good bye to his baby. We did a nice photoshoot with him and his baby, and it made me wonder: “Why men love cars so much?”

“Cars give men sense of freedom and adventure” is a highly recognized answer among both men and women. And both strive for freedom, power and social recognition. However, the reason, I think, why men are attached to their cars more, has to do with control, patience and hard work.

Control: A car offers the driver full control – want to go fast? No problem.

Patience: Many luxurious sports cars are expensive and often times before making the purchase, they require their future owners to save up some down payment.

Hard work: Luxurious sports cars require maintenance to look their best, and it’s up to their owners to car for them – oil, wash, new rims, etc.

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